A Poem for the Weekend

I wrote the following poem last year in response to Roselle Angwin’s “Writing Your Self” column in Mslexia magazine. The exercise was to find an image to describe your writing self, and it seems appropriate to publish it here as an introduction to Katherine Langrish’s guest post coming on Monday.
(Muse challenge: how soon can you guess my author’s image?)

I belong on the Druid’s staff
eye of the night
commander of the tide

When I am whole
werewolves hunt
and men howl at the sky

Haloed by fire
I was there at Christ’s crucifixion
darkening the sun

Superpowers raced to reach me
one small step for man
blood for womankind

I look lonely
but Clangers live in my craters
and cows jump over me

Eclipsed by earth’s shadow
I orbit you
unseen in the day

I enchant the mists
where muses work magic
west of the moon.

See you on Monday...