Spellfall sequel coming soon...

Have you ever been to Earthaven? If you would enjoy visiting a world of breathtaking wonder where unicorns roam and spells grow on giant trees, then now is your chance to read the first book in the Earthaven series SPELLFALL for only 99c/99p. SPELLFALL - Kindle UK SPELLFALL - Kindle US When it was first published by Chicken House/Scholastic back in 2001, Spellfall was chosen by American independent booksellers for their "Children's 76" as the book most likely to fill the Harry Potter void. It's a full length novel but my editor would not allow me to kill off the villain at the end, which left many readers clamouring for a sequel! That sequel SPELLSPRING is almost ready, and as an apology for making you all wait so long (er... 15 years long...) I've reduced the price of the Kindle edition of the first book until the sequel comes out. The unicorn says it's the least I could do, short of waving a magic wand over my publisher and making them publish ...