Friday fun - "A Simples Life" by Aleksandr Orlov
A Simples Life: The Life and Times of Aleksandr Orlov “No, is not spelling error…” as the author of this book would no doubt say in his delightful Russian accent. For Aleksandr Orlov is a meerkat with breeding, whose ancestors made it out of the Kalahari Desert to land in Russia after being sold a dodgy boat and a map that promised to take them to Bermuda. Once landed, Aleksandr’s granddaddy set up a successful business called , today run by Aleksandr and his faithful sidekick Sergei from a 22-room Russian mansion compete with Grub Pantry, Panic Room, and a genuine Faberge omelette in the (real) vault. ( Muse: There’s a fake vault too, with a fake Faberge omelette... didn’t fool a unicorn for a moment, of course .) With its blend of humour and colour illustrations, this hardcover book should appeal to young and old alike with its cute photographs of meerkats posed in human clothes. It certainly made the Muse chuckle as he read about how Aleksandr’s ancestors