Hybrid authors - curiosity or the future?
"Zonkey" - a zebra/donkey hybrid I am what is known as a "hybrid" author - sounds painful doesn't it? But it just means I am using two types of publishing to bring my books to readers. 1. The traditional route for my Pendragon Legacy series with children's publisher Templar , who have produced these books as beautiful shimmery hardcovers that are not too big and not too small, containing pretty maps and attractive fonts. They have also produced eye-catching paperback versions, as well as slightly cheaper ebook editions of each. paperback of Book 1 - see how the title catches the light? Shimmery proof cover for the hardback of Book 2 showing the draft back and front cover spread for Book 3 There is no way I could produce such lovely editions of these books on my own - at least not unless I won the lottery! And quite aside from the production and printing of the actual books, Templar have a team of editors and publicists and market