Searching for Excalibur
My author says I've got to squeeze in another post this month, or she won't let me pick out my own name on Monday. But I've been busy galloping around the countryside looking for a new home for us (you wouldn't believe how difficult it is to find a house with a unicorn stable) so I'm almost out of glitter. That means you'll have to make do with this video of Katherine (filmed in her bathroom, in case you're wondering - the sea horses you can see dangling over her left shoulder are closely related to unicorns). She thinks she's found Excalibur... but I'm not so sure. WATCH VIDEO (Be careful near the end, by the way, or you might find yourself desperately seeking a bookshop... sorry, should have told you that before you watched it!) If you fancy a free book, there's still two days left to name the unicorn for a chance to win signed copies of Sword of Light and the new one Lance of Truth , published Monday... when I shall hopefully HAV