
Showing posts from October, 2020

Genghis Khan rides again!

It's been a tough year for many people, and things were pretty tough in publishing even before the dreaded virus and its associated emergency rules locked down half the world. The latest casualty of this summer is the small but passionate UK publisher of historical fiction, Greystones Press, which has sadly now closed its doors, taking my YA Genghis Khan novel  Bone Music  out of print, along with all the other books published by them. Readers might gain briefly from this, since you can still get these books from third party sellers at a reasonable price - but be quick if you want one, because there won't be any more printed! BONE MUSIC (Greystones Press 2018 edition) As someone whose debut novel was published back in 1999, I'm no stranger to my books going out of print. Books have their season and publishers move on - unless the book happens to be Harry Potter, of course, when publishers cling on to the rights and issue new editions for decades, but unfortunately for my ba


Apologies for the lack of recent posts on this blog. I have an excuse! I've been busy finishing a new book... not saying anything else about it yet, since it's about to start looking for a home. Meanwhile, back in the real world, it's been a really strange year. Apparently, we still have last year's Evil Virus lurking in the shadows to worry about, but since I'm 90% certain I had the bug back in March (and have possibly been exposed several times since with no repeat of the symptoms), I feel like smiling today. So here's an infectious poem usually attributed to Spike Milligan - though it's unclear if he actually wrote it - to cheer you up a bit while you're waiting for my new book to reach the shelves.* If it's a choice between the Evil Virus and a smile, I know what I'd rather catch! *  Unicorn tip: you might need more than a single poem to read while you're waiting, so have a browse through the book pages and see if anything catches your fa