Souls Disturbed - an interview with Kath Middleton

No, not the Duchess... this Kath Middleton writes books, and the unicorn is delighted to welcome her to this blog to talk about her seriously spooky new title Souls Disturbed. KR: Is this your first venture into the dark side of fiction, or has this book grown out of earlier work? KM: It’s my first real trip over to The Dark Side, although my first book, Ravenfold , was thought to be quite dark, though not in the spooky sense. I’ve not explored the supernatural in previous work and I found myself ‘on a roll’ you might say. Souls Disturbed is a collection of three novellas and later this year I’ll be publishing a short story on a similar haunting theme. I think I’ve probably got it out of my system now. another spooky title from Kath Middleton KR: Hmm, I like that 'probably'... though be warned, once you've gone over to the dark side, it can be difficult to escape! Who is your favourite horror writer, and do you think he/she has had any influence on...