Halloween ebook Treat

Hello, Razz here! Since it is Halloween, I would like to introduce new readers to SPELLFALL , the only book containing unicorns that Katherine has written so far. (She also wrote a short story about a unicorn for an illustrated pop-up title Magical Horses but that unicorn is the sweet, glittery type who goes around laying his head in maidens’ laps and getting himself caught by hunters hiding behind trees… a bit dim, in other words! As you can imagine, he’s not related to me.) I am more like the unicorns in Spellfall, who live in the enchanted parallel world of Earthaven, which you can visit by squeezing through a small hole in a standing stone in the middle of Unicorn Wood... if you can find the wood, that is. (It's next to a new housing estate called Millennium Green, which is probably not much help unless you happen to live there.) Otherwise, you can wait until Halloween, when the Boundary between your world and Earthaven opens between midnight and dawn, and simply w...