Because you’re worth it? What an author REALLY earns...
Since the Great Horse stories are obviously boring people to death, I have decided to blog about money this week for a change. Last weekend, the Guardian magazine carried an interesting article on typical earnings for various professions. My author (who is permanently panicking about the state of her bank balance) was glued to it! Here they are in ascending order of earning power: Cleaner: £5,000 Alternative Therapist: £5,000 Waiter: £9,000 Small Shop Owner: £9,600 - £12,000 Milkman: £15,000 Architect: £25,000 Cartographer: £20,000 + 1% of sales Canon (church): £22,000 + rent-free vicarage Mechanic: £23,400 Pub Landlady: £25,000 Landscape Gardener: £28,000 Police Constable: £28,000 Oxfam Head of PR: £40,000 Psychotherapist: £40,000 Pharmacist: £40,157 Speech Therapist: £40,050 GP: £51,000 Dentist (private practice): £57,500 Criminal Barrister: up to £60,000 Member of Parliament: £65,738 Reality TV Director: £67,000 Airline Pilot: £120,000 Journalist: between £18