Pendragon Legacy

Did you know King Arthur had a daughter? The legends don't mention her because she was raised on the fairy isle of Avalon, but now it is time for her to return to the world of men and face her enemies.

There are four books in this series, and they are best read in order of publication. Join Rhianna Pendragon and her friends on their epic quest to save Camelot from the dark knight Mordred.

Book 1: The Sword Excalibur that was forged in Avalon.

Sword of Light
Kindle / epub

Book 2: The Lance of Truth made by the hands of men.

Lance of Truth
Kindle / epub 

Book 3: The Crown of Dreams, which hides the Jewel of Annwn.

Crown of Dreams
Kindle / epub

Book 4: The Grail said to hold all the stars in Heaven.

Grail of Stars
Kindle / epub

The links below will take you to some brilliant blogs where I have been interviewed or written guest posts about Rhianna and her quest.

Authors Electric
Some thoughts on the difference between e-publishing and traditional hardcover publishing.
The History Girls
King Arthur: history or legend?
Memories of a Future Life
The undercover soundtrack to my series: Maddy Prior, Steeleye Span and Clannad (complete with audio links).
Book Angel Booktopia
My Arthurian quest through adult and children's fantasy.
Grammar Grandma (formerly the Book Maven)
Mary Hoffman's Women of Camelot (based on Sir Thomas Malory's version of the legend) meet Rhianna Pendragon (based on mine)... will they fight?
Seven Miles of Steel Thistles
I am interviewed by Katherine Langrish, mistress of this wonderful fairytale blog.
Writing in the House of Dreams
The Heroine's Journey with Jenny Alexander.
Feeling Fictional
I am interviewed by Sarah.