Further thoughts on blogging

Some electric cats left comments on my last post, so total annihilation of this blog has been suspended until further notice. As the unicorn has pointed out to me (with his glittery horn), many people worked hard on guest posts for his little corner of the blogosphere, so it would not be good karma to delete those. If you haven't read them all yet, see the MUSE MONDAYS tab at the top for a full list of links. Also, there is a long-running series of posts based upon my epic novel about Alexander the Great's horse "I am the Great Horse" and its associated projects. That series is not quite finished yet, and Bucephalas will probably bite me if I try deleting him . He'll certainly squeal at the unicorn, which could get nasty. For links to this series, see the I AM THE GREAT HORSE tab. If you're looking for a viral blog, this is not the place to be. (But then you probably never found it in the first place, so that's okay.) If you're looking for an...