The History (and legend) Girls

My author must be in a summer holiday mood... would you believe she’s crept off again to post on another blog!

Today she discusses horses in history and myth over at the brand new History Girls, where you can find out why one of her books never got published… (Muse: no unicorns in it, maybe?)

Twenty-six writers of historical fiction for all ages will produce a daily blog post, and there will be competitions to win copies of their books. So trot on over there and register yourself as a follower for a chance to get your hands on a free book or two!

Who else is in the History Girls? You'll find all their names over on the blog, and here is a picture of some of them...

Have you met any of these authors? (Clue: look at the books they are holding!) One author is taking the picture, of course... Caroline Lawrence, so she's not in it. Nor is Katherine, because she wasn't there (but you already know what she looks like, and unicorns are much prettier, anyway!)

The History Girls