Over at the History Girls... is King Arthur too English for America?

King Arthur - too English for American readers?

Today I am over at the History Girls talking about books that travel... and those that don't!

Click here to read my History Girls post and join the discussion.


It seems my above post went a bit viral. After reading all the interesting and lively comments, many from American readers, I just want to add a few words here..

1. Publishing is all about SALES - I think most of us would agree on that. And as a published author who hopes to continue to publish many more books, I'd agree too. I need to sell a certain number of books to survive, just like my publisher does, and if getting more sales was as easy as changing the subject matter or background of my stories then I would do so in a flash. But it seems even publishers aren't quite sure which books will sell massive numbers, so why shouldn't a book about King Arthur's daughter have as much chance of selling as a book about Poseidon's son? (For comparison's sake, let's assume the same author wrote both, and you can take your pick who.)

2. I am in no way anti-American. Some of my books have done very well over in the US. Spellfall and the Echorium trilogy, for example, were well supported by their US publisher and found many American readers. But when I heard my UK publisher saying "another one like Spellfall, please", my muse lay down and refused to move. Of course, what my publisher really meant was "another one that will sell like Spellfall, please." Which is not the same thing at all.

3. My highest-earning title to date is a book that did not get an American publishing deal... The Great Pyramid Robbery (Book 1 of the Seven Fabulous Wonders series), which is also the title of mine borrowed the most number of times from UK libraries so far.

4. What about Merlin (the TV show), anyway?!

Fortunately, blog travel is much easier than book travel, so on Monday the unicorn will be back with another interview, when author Griselda Gifford introduces you to her muse... or should I say muses? Check back then to find out more.